Siamese Twins

As Amy and I stood in the cafeteria of our Middle School staring at the poster promoting the performance of “The King and I”, we both knew what the other was thinking. It was our favorite musical and we wanted to be in it together. We  knew which dancing solos we wanted all without saying a word to each other.

 We decided that we would let the other girls try out for the lead role of Anna, Amy would try out for the open solo dance with Anna, and I would try out for the open solo dance with the King. We knew we could play those parts well because we were both ballerinas, having taken ballet classes since we were seven years old. The day of the auditions we were nervous, but very excited too. We both had on our black body suits, with pink tights and ballet slippers. Our long brown hair was pulled back in ponytails. As we approached the auditorium, we saw the other fifty girls that were trying out for the same roles as us. We looked at each other and smiled confidently, knowing that we would outperform everyone else. We were well prepared and had been helping each with our routines every night for the past week.

 As I stood on the stage listening to the soft music begin to play, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I pointed, danced, and twirled, and within two minutes, my audition was over. I slowly walked off the stage as Amy gracefully began her routine. When the auditions were over, the director told everyone to come back at the end of the week for the announcement of who would get which roles. We both felt confident that we had danced well; after all, we were accomplished ballerinas. We were quick learners when it came to picking up difficult choreography. 

 All week long we nervously anticipated the results. Would we make the cut? Would we be chosen for the roles we wanted? Would one of us be watching and helping while the other danced in the play? Of course, if one of us made it, we would be happy for each other. There was never any jealousy between us. We went over and over the possibilities and finally it was Friday-the big moment had arrived. After school we walked together to the auditorium and anxiously waited for the director’s announcements (my stomach was in knots). He announced the part for the solo dance with the King and my heart sank - it wasn't me. Then he announced the solo dance with Anna and my heart sank again - it wasn't Amy. We looked at each other, disappointed and confused. My thoughts were running wild: Who could have been better than us? Weren't we the best?! What was the director thinking? He obviously wasn't thinking at all! 

As we were trying to figure out what was going on, the director read off the names for the Siamese Twins: “Amy and Jackie!” Our first reaction was “isn’t this typecasting”? But then, we quickly realized that it was the right role for us and we wouldn't have wanted it any other way. After all, we are identical twins and no one could have been better than us! 


Goodnight Girls


Where’s Jackie?