Goodnight Girls
When Amy and I were in the 9th grade we began babysitting for our younger cousins and our sister, Michelle. As it turned out though, our babysitting days were short lived. My aunt and uncle would usually find us on the couch sound asleep when they came home. They usually didn't mind except for the time they forgot their keys and had to ring the doorbell and pound on the door for a half an hour before they were able to wake us.
Babysitting for Michelle on a Saturday night was another story. We loved hanging out alone together, eating pizza and watching our favorite TV shows. We never had any problems. Well, almost never.
One Saturday night when we were babysitting Michelle, our cute neighbor, Tom, called Amy. He would walk Amy and me home from school sometimes since his house was right behind ours. After we would say our goodbyes, he would cut through our backyard pushing his way through the loose wooden fence and then step into his yard.
Amy hung up the phone and before I knew it, she was changing out of her sweats and putting on her favorite pair of jeans and sweater. "Tom invited me over,” she said with a big smile. "You’re going over?” I said sharply. She knew she wasn't allowed to leave the house when our parents were out for the night. What was she thinking? Maybe I was acting too much like a goody- goody, but I really didn't want her to get in trouble which usually also meant me getting into trouble. Amy rolled her eyes and told me that I could handle watching Michelle alone; however, that wasn't the problem. I was more concerned that she wouldn't be back by the time our parents came home, but she promised me that she would and off she went.
Now I was boiling inside. If she wasn’t back before my parents got home, we would probably be grounded for life! Amy was being really selfish. She didn't care that I could get in trouble. And who knew that she even liked Tom so much?
I ran downstairs and told Michelle to get the binoculars as I quickly filled her in on what was happening. Within minutes, Michelle and I were peering through the window facing the backyard. Michelle handed me the binoculars and I saw Amy walk through our yard, slide between the fence and hug our neighbor. Michelle quickly lost interest and went back to finish watching her TV show.
I kept my eyes on Amy and Tom. Soon, they walked towards the front of the house and I couldn't see them anymore. This was terrible. Maybe I should open the window and yell for her to come home. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I decided against it. I didn't want to be known as the lunatic, spying twin.
I checked on Michelle, wished her goodnight and washed up for bed. I realized I couldn't drive myself crazy anymore. If I was going to get grounded for life, I would handle it like a big girl and I sure hoped Amy would too considering she got us into this mess.
While lying in bed praying Amy would be home soon, I heard the front door open and Mom and Dad's voices. My heart started pounding. I knew our parents would explode when they found out that Amy was not home (Yikes!). What was I going to do? I needed to find a fast solution.
I listened quietly while Mom checked on Michelle and heard her whisper, "Goodnight Michelle." She closed her door and then heard Mom's footsteps approaching our room while I broke into a sweat. Mom gently opened our door and said in her sweet voice, "Goodnight Girls.” "Goodnight," I replied softly, and then I waited a second or two and quietly replied again, “Goodnight.” Mom closed the door and headed out with Dad to their bedroom.
What kind of goodnight was that? This never happens! Was the coast clear? Mom usually turned on the light to check on us, or she would kiss us goodnight or sometimes even stay and chat with us. How was this happening I wondered; Is this the luckiest night of our lives? Well, almost. Amy still had to make it home without being discovered.
I was almost asleep, when I felt a tapping on my forehead. It was Amy in her pajamas. "You're home, Fool!” I said, while slowing letting out a sigh of relief. Amy told me she had so much fun and that she was sorry that she lost track of time, she and Tom were having a ping-pong tournament. I told her that I covered for her and that Mom and Dad didn't even know she wasn't in her bed. "Thank goodness!" Amy said.
Whatever the situation might be, Amy and I both know that we could never stay mad at each other, and that we automatically have each other’s backs because that’s what being a twin is all about.