Jackie’s Home Run
One major difference between Amy and I was softball. Amy liked softball and was very good at it, but I, on the other hand, couldn’t hit a ball to save my life and consequently, hated playing. In the seventh grade, I decided to bite the bullet and give it another try since Amy and all our friends had signed up for the rec softball league in town. I didn't have a good feeling about this, but I didn't want to be left out.
Amy and I were placed on two different teams. Amy was on the REDS and I was on the PHILLIES. There were only eight teams in the league, and we played each team twice. I got lucky because not only were three of our good friends on my team, but they were also terrific players. Amy had two of our friends on her team, but they were not so good. We had practice twice a week after school.
As I said, playing softball was not my thing. I usually got stuck playing right field and prayed that the ball would not be hit my way. I also never quite mastered the technique of when or how to swing the bat, so I was more than happy when the umpire called out “strike three” or “ball four” and I knew I was off the hook.
Amy was different. She played third base and prayed that every ball would come to her, and when it did, she would go after it with full force, leaping and running across the field. Amy also had an incredibly powerful swing, was really into the game and was a great team player (GO AMY!).
As luck would have it, my team somehow made the playoffs and Amy's didn't. Unlike the rest of my teammates, I was completely miserable. I just wanted the playoffs to be over.
The championship game was around the corner and Amy could tell how nervous I was. As sad as she was about not being in the playoffs, she felt worse for me and wanted to do something to help, so she came up with an amazing plan. Amy would take my place on the night of the playoff game. I was extremely happy and gave her my PHILLIES jersey to wear. On the night of the big game, I sat in the bleachers with my parents and cheered on "Jackie" along with the rest of the PHILLIES. Even though a few of my teammates knew what was going on, they were hush, hush about the whole situation. After all, they wanted to win!
The plan seemed to be working perfectly. “Jackie” was not getting much action, but the PHILLIES were losing 6-5 going in to the bottom of the seventh and last inning. There were two outs, our friends Sharon and Jen were on first and second and "Jackie" was at the plate. Everyone silently prayed for "Jackie", hoping she could maybe get another walk to keep the rally going. To no one's surprise, "Jackie" swung the bat and missed, then missed again a second time. With two strikes, "Jackie" swung again, this time actually making contact with the ball which soared over the shortstop and all rolled all the way to the wall in left field. Sharon and Jen scored, "Jackie" pulled in to third base with a triple and The PHILLIES won 7-6. "Jackie" had saved the game! Everyone was amazed that "Jackie" had come through for the team. As I watched my team jumping up and down with excitement yelling “Jackie” you did it!” I couldn't have been happier for my twinny. That's the thing about us, if it's not happening for one of us; at least it's happening for the other. I caught Amy’s eye and smiled at her from my seat in the bleachers silently thanking her for letting me be the superstar.