A Birthday Party Surprise

Amy and I have always loved our birthday celebrations. When we were little, the first part of our celebration was dinner with our parents and our sister Michelle at our favorite restaurant. After dinner, Amy and I would exchange birthday cards. Often, Amy and I would give each other the same exact card even though there were a million cards from which to choose (we’re always thinking alike). The following day, my parents would throw us a party. 

On our twelfth birthday, we decided to have a game party. We invited twenty of our closest friends and held the party in our den where we bobbed for apples, had dancing and hula hoop contests, and hung out. The party was in full swing, the music was blasting, and everyone was dancing like crazy. Soon afterwards the pizza and refreshments were served, and the girls ate while eying the colorful piñata that Mom had hung nearby. At the end of the party, everyone would get a chance to crack open the piñata which was filled with all kinds of delicious candies.

Finally, it was piñata time, and all our friends lined up to take their turn at cracking it open. As the birthday girls, Amy and I went first. The piñata was shaped like a ballet slipper since we loved ballet. Next in line was our really strong friend who managed to crack the pinata a bit. A few more girls went and then I was up again. I started whacking the ballet slipper really hard with the bat when all of a sudden it cracked open, and the candy started pouring out. I started jumping up and down with excitement. Then, all of a sudden everyone started screaming and headed for the stairs. “What's going on?” I wondered. Then I looked down and saw it. A tiny gray mouse! GROSS! Then I started screaming too, but not Amy.

Amy took charge right away by grabbing a broom and trying to corner the mouse. Then with Mom’s help they were able to get the mouse into an old shoebox. Then, Mom and Amy took the box into the backyard and released it far away at the back of the garden. I was left standing there by myself surrounded by all the candy with tears in my eyes. All I could think about was how that stupid mouse ruined our party. I bent down and started scooping all the candy into a garbage bag, when I heard Amy yell from the top of the stairs, "What are you still doing down there?” The party had moved upstairs, and Amy wanted me to join them. "But what about the mouse,” I said loudly. “I thought everyone wanted to go home?"

Amy came downstairs and looked at me and said, “Don't worry about the stupid mouse. We'll clean it up later. We can’t let a little mouse ruin our fun.” 

Amy was right. I couldn't let a silly mouse get in the way of our party. I realized I was being ridiculous. I dropped the broom, wiped my tears and joined our friends. That's the great thing about Amy and me. When one of us was down the other one was always there to pick up the pieces. We would never be sad at the same time. We knew one of us always had to be strong in difficult situations.

Even when things are perfectly planned, the unexpected can always happen. Thanks Amy, for showing me the way to move on. As it turned out, it was a perfect birthday party, mouse and all!


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