Feeling my Twin’s Pain

It was three years ago when my identical twin sister, Amy had to have breast cancer surgery. I was worried and overwhelmed, but her doctor said she would be fine with the surgery and radiation treatment. Amy, who is a very positive person, didn’t complain and when into surgery on a Monday morning without a fuss. 

That same Monday morning, I woke up in excruciating pain. It felt like the left side of my chest was being torn apart. It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like forever. When I think about it, I can still feel that pain. I was literally going through the surgery with Amy.

After Amy recovered from the surgery, she had to have radiation for seven weeks starting at the beginning of the summer. Once again, Amy looked on the bright side of the situation and, instead of complaining, told me about all the wonderful people who she was meeting, and how grateful she was for the great nurses and doctors. 

While she was going through radiation, I felt a warm tingly sensation over my chest during those weeks. I was feeling my version of her pain.  At the end of the summer, Amy called me up to tell me she had her last day of treatment. I said, “Thank goodness it’s all over.” I hung up the phone and that was the last time I felt the sensation. 

Feeling each other’s pain, is a part of being a twin.

Van Thu Nguyen

I am a brand strategist with a refined eye for beauty and hypervigilant attention to detail, I’ve taken these skills to the marketplace in the last 12 years, where I spend most of my time extracting quality and transforming brands to help them build positive, captivating messages for their audiences. I bring people together through experiential empathic engagement by strategically positioning them to create better and lasting impressions. As a marketing generalist, I can draw on diverse knowledge in a variety of industries with resourceful problem-solving abilities.


Drinks for Two