Drinks for Two

When my twin sister, Amy, and I were in high school, our family took a trip to the Bahamas. We packed our bags, and with tickets in hand, headed off to the airport.

Before boarding the plane, my sisters and I had a few more important decisions to make. Amy and Michelle both wanted window seats, but they also wanted to sit next to me. Personally, I didn't care where I sat. Finally, it was settled. I would sit with Michelle for the first half of the flight and Amy would sit with my parents. Amy and Michelle agreed to trade seats for the second half of the flight. The rest of my family was a few rows behind.

Happy with our seat assignments, and our seat belts securely fastened, we were finally ready for takeoff. After everyone settled in, the flight attendant came around to take our drink orders. I ordered an iced-tea, but Michelle was too busy chewing her gum to ask for anything. 

A few minutes later, the flight attendant handed me a 7-Up. “Excuse me,” I said, "I ordered an iced-tea." The flight attendant looked confused. Michelle then turned to me and said, "You should stick to chewing gum like me!"  Moments later, the flight attendant returned and once again gave me a 7-UP. I’m usually a calm person, but I began to lose my patience and asked one more time for an iced-tea (I was parched and I don’t like soda!). The flight attendant looked more confused than ever.

After we had reached cruising altitude and it was safe to walk about the cabin, Amy came over to visit and Michelle asked to trade seats with her because she wanted to play cards with Dad. Amy and I began chatting away.

While we were deeply immersed in conversation, the flight attendant appeared again and did a double take. "Oh, now I get it! TWINS! One 7-UP and one iced-tea, you two can decide who gets what,” she said as she handed us our drinks. We smiled back politely and then Amy turned to me and whispered, "I can't even imagine what's in store for us once we land!"   

As we were preparing to leave the plane, we passed the stewardess who was thanking everyone for flying. When she spotted us, she smiled and said, “I hope you enjoyed your mixed drinks!” Amy and I laughed, and I thought to myself, that’s the world of being an identical twin.




Feeling my Twin’s Pain


A and J Rings